The story behind POUR.

One morning during worship, God showed me a vision of His people, and we were empty. He showed me worship leaders and worship teams pouring from empty cups, yet still showing up to minister week after week.

Each week our ministry teams pour from our hearts to serve the hearts and needs of God’s people. It doesn’t stop there though. As God was dealing with me from a place of ministry, He started to call out so many other aspects of my life. I don’t only pour on Sunday mornings. I pour 24/7 as a wife, a mother, a bonus mother, a leader at work and even as a friend. 

Can you identify?

Meet Your Facilitator

Born in the Bronx, raised in Atlanta, Rasheité is both a poet and a singer. She incorporates both mediums into her artistry, and they coexist for her on the stage. Rasheité is a storyteller, and she is passionate about telling the stories of God’s grace, goodness and love

She’s been leading worship for over 20 years and facilitating workshops for 8 years. When she isn’t traveling to support other ministries, you will find her on the worship team at her home church, New Beginnings Fellowship Church of Indianapolis.

Rasheité Calhoun

What People Say

The thought provoking, team building education received is built on the word of God. Good sound doctrine with modern life application. Rasheité is a blessing to this ministry. EVERY MINISTRY NEEDS THIS. It will change your worship.
Dot G.
Dorothea G.
Worship Team Coordinator
I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the POUR Bible studies. It was and is an awesome tool to be transparent, while searching and learning the scriptures.
Lamont R
Lamont R.
Ministry Leader & Musician
The P.O.U.R. weekend was simply amazing, to say the least. I was encouraged, equipped, and empowered. I highly recommend P.O.U.R.; your life will be forever changed. Thank you for continuing to P.O.U.R.
Juanita W.
Minister & Worship Leader