We don't ever have to be empty

Be Equipped.
Be Empowered.

into people.

The truth is, we are never actually empty, even when we feel like we are. God has given us all we need. Everything we need we have. And just like the widow at Zarephath, if we pour, we will also be filled (1 Kings 17:7-16).

The POUR Collective provides resources for ministries and ministry leaders to address and avoid burnout.


The Story Behind POUR

POUR Icons

One day during worship, God showed me a vision of His people, and we were empty. He showed me worship leaders and worship teams pouring from empty cups, yet still showing up to minister week after week. Each week our ministry teams pour from our hearts to serve the hearts and needs of God’s people. 

Can you identify?

What People Are Saying

The thought provoking, team building education received is built on the word of God. Good sound doctrine with modern life application. Rasheité is a blessing to this ministry. EVERY MINISTRY NEEDS THIS. It will change your worship.
Dot G.
Dorothea G.
Worship Team Coordinator
I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the POUR Bible studies. It was and is an awesome tool to be transparent, while searching and learning the scriptures.
Lamont R
Lamont R.
Ministry Leader & Musician
The P.O.U.R. weekend was simply amazing, to say the least. I was encouraged, equipped, and empowered. I highly recommend P.O.U.R.; your life will be forever changed. Thank you for continuing to P.O.U.R.

Juanita W.
Worship Leader & Speaker